Amon Tobin and company are soliciting fan videos for inclusion in a Ninja Tune DVD box set and for streaming online. Quick description:

We are collecting fan made videos of Amon’s work for an upcoming DVD release.

Please submit your videos here and review the “Terms” within the forum:​groups/​106265/​forumthread:244568

Deadline for the project is end of September.
Have fun and make a great video!

Terms look fairly standard, but are nicely done — you retain exclusive rights, giving away only clear rights to the project at hand. Far too many of these sorts of contests require that you give up exclusive rights, essentially surrendering control of your work. (Obviously, you want the terms to make it clear that the folks running the video are free to use your video, but those agreements often go way too far.)

See example at top, by Zac Wollons, who gets “first post” bragging rights, at least!

If you submit, let us know.

Thanks, Tricil!