Audience from Chris O’Shea on Vimeo.

Chris O’Shea and rAndom International have completed a lovely installation at the Royal Opera House (UK). 64 mirrors move, each distinctively, to follow moving attendees who catch their “attention.” The installation is powered by Chris’ custom code and rAndom’s hardware and circuits, build on C++, OpenFrameWorks, and Intel’s ubiquitous open source computer vision library OpenCV.

I really enjoy how elegant the resulting design is, and the way it fragments the faces of viewers in a sea of mirrors, bobbing around with simulated intelligence.

Audience for Deloitte Ignite Festival [Project Page, Chris O’Shea]

I expect this could inspire other computer vision projects, or motorized screen concepts in place of mirrors.

Here’s what the video analysis software interface looks like:

See also: other photos of Audience on Flickr