In the latest example of what people are doing with open source Kinect tools and movement, PRICKIMAGE sends a performance that works with the Windows-based vvvv. It’s still a work in process / proof of concept, but I’m really enjoying seeing experiments with this technology. There’s definite potential to be explored. The artists write:

I follow CDM and find it inspiring & informative
Can I share a project with that we are developing quickly
Video sample below is the 1st test promo

This is what we plan next…
A 10-15 minute performance will use the Musion Eyeliner system to conjure magical effects with a performer who will dance and sing live,
live illustration and interactive graphics & audio, powered by vvvv (a multipurpose toolkit) within a simple fantasy narrative. Our theme is
metamorphosis and transition, within which we will play with effects of dramatic transformation visually referencing children’s fiction,
early cinematic and pre-cinematic effects, and animated worlds.


creative direction: PRICKIMAGE
performer: MC Gaff E
illustration: Martin Wollerstam
event: WetYourSelf!
music: App “Feel Like Dancing”

It’s a multi-national effort, this, but I see at least one person at the STRP Festival later this month in Eindhoven, NL. I’m there presenting on the 25th, if anyone else is around!