We’re not going to be satisfied until every touch controller in the house is functioning as an X/Y pad for music. Nintendo DS? Check. Wacom tablet? Tablet PC? Claro que si. So what’s up with your Palm? That stylus isn’t doing anything. miniMusic has the hookup:

AxisPad miniMusic [Product Page]

Interestingly, the X/Y pad here can both control internal sounds (designed in miniMusic’s own software), or act as a MIDI controller for sending data to other devices or software. US$19.95, with a full demo available; could be worth it as illustrated below. miniMusic also make various other nice tools for the Palm platform, this being just one of them.

In fact, the only hardware left out is the Windows Mobile / PocketPC platform, unless anyone knows of a solution. (I wonder if miniMusic’s stuff will work with StyleTap, which lets you run Palm software on Windows Mobile gear.)

Other X/Y controllers? Do let us know.