
The 002 is starting to look like another synth you won’t be able to afford, but will drool over – like the synth equivalent of watching an Aston Martin roll by. But boy, is it sounding fantastic. Everything we loved about the Monowave appears to be massively expanded in polyphonic form, a full-on, big budget sequel. There are beautiful, shimmering wave sounds recalling wavetable synths of yore. It aliases in every perfect way.

And now we know what it looks like, too: like it means business. Sleek, futuristic, stylish, and crystal-clear in function, that front panel looks nothing if not like a Axel Hartmann design.

Have a look, and a listen to some new sounds. Because what better way to celebrate American Independence Day than with, erm, great British synthesizers. (Hey, 18th Century – bygones. Now we’re one world, under synth, indivisible, with polyphony and goodness for all.)

In fact, here in London with these and other engineers – hope to bring CDM very close to this instrument later this summer.

Previously (with a run-down of what we expect from this instrument):
Surprise: A New British Boutique Polysynth is Coming – Modulus Music 002