
That’s not a bug; it’s a feature.

Wayward insects become the source of eerie, ambient music in a new work by British-born, Baix Penedes (Spain)-based artist Dickon Stone. Each insect lured by the glow of his light-up sculpture in turn triggers musical elements. Over the course of five years, he’s shaped that process into a strangely-lovely, otherworldly soundscape and formed a two-track EP, which you can preview here.

(Five years, huh? Well, that’s proof that even with swarms of insects helping you shape the music, you can wind up obsessing over finishing. But the results are worth it!)

Dickon sends us a video of an early 2011 test, which gives you an idea of how the method works.

The gimmick might just leave it at that, but the results are rather nice. Listen:

And, in the spirit of DIY, you can have at this record on Bandcamp (again). By the full record, and you get a nice book in the deal.

The press kit talks a bit more about the project and describes the book.

