It’s the next New York’s DIY music tech party, presented by CDM with, Make, and, and now sponsored by Pabst Blue Ribbon!

Handmade Music is now a monthly affair at the wonderful 3rd Ward in Brooklyn, and increasingly, I want to work on adding an online, virtual component for the rest of the world to share. That means we’ll be looking for new works to share. The setup is this: for people in-person, we’re looking for installations, short performances, or projects you’d like to show off informally, science fair-style. Projects don’t have to be completed finished – in fact, this is a great way to get feedback on something you’re working on (and we certainly welcome repeat presentations as you make more progress, especially now that we’re monthly). We also welcome visual and audiovisual projects; we’ll have a projector onsite. (You’ll need to share if you can’t bring your own projector, but we can give you at least a few minutes of projection time.)

New for January 15’s event:

  • Free beer, sponsored by Pabst Blue Ribbon, plus our usual refreshments
  • DIY TV: Make Magazine screen music projects from their new Make: television, produced with Twin Cities Public Television and American Public Television, with a talk by Make’s Phil Torrone
  • Better weather? (hopefully) no torrential freezing downpours like our debut last month (see, and you folks in other parts of the world were jealous…)

And we’re working on two projects for the online party: one is to be able to get those able to show off work around 8pm Eastern time (realizing that is a bit close to the middle of the night for Europe) to present via video chat. The other is to set up small shared labs for people to work together on new music and visual tech projects. Stay tuned.

For a glimpse of what these events look like, check out some of my photos from the December event at 3rd Ward. Video documentation coming soon (once I’m done editing!)

If you want to submit, we can use your info as soon as possible. Walk-ins with projects are always welcome, but if we know a little in advance, we can prepare and promote your project in our event info.

Form is embedded above, or skip to the form directly:

Call for Works @ Google Docs