Chips and Fish and Music

I’m in Meatspace largely at the moment, with a weekend packed with events at the Maker Faire. There are plenty of DIY music and motion projects here, and they’ll all be within spitting distance of my booth. Add to that performance events Friday and Saturday, and it’s looking like a great weekend. If you’re not in the Bay Area (which, yes, 99% of you aren’t), expect to see the virtual translation of all this meaty goodness soon. Some of these projects are also suggesting some how-to tutorials, so I’ll be working on that, as well. If you are here, note that the Friday and Saturday night events have no cover, a trend I hope to continue whenever CDM World Tour happens.

Here’s the quick summary of events:

Friday Night: Robotspeak 8 PM – 11 PM, 589.5 Haight Street at Steiner, music/visual lineup with discussion (flyer after the jump)

Saturday Night: CDM + Make team up for the Chips + Music + Fish party
Chips + Music + Fish details @
Confirmed lineup: Pineresin, Starpause, Chachi Jones, Steve&Derek, Zaxxon Spacecase, Barney the Theremin Wizard, myself, and live visuals!

(The as-always-fantastic design comes to us by way of our graphic maker Nat.)

All weekend long, Maker Faire!
Maker Faire page, San Mateo County Event Center

Real posts should pick up again once I return, so thanks for your patience.