CDM2 (named a la a new cruise ship) truly is not a figment of my imagination. As we put in late hours working on it (or early hours, as much of the team is Australian), one of the issues we face is how to design the new forum.

Now, of course, there are plenty of fora out there, fantastic ones, and it would be silly to reproduce what they provide. Instead, we’ll provide a CDM-like spin. In other words, we’re interesting in chatting with the sorts of people who hang out here, about topics you can’t find elsewhere. Aside from multi-touch laser-controlled pyrotechnic subtractive synthesizers inspired by the Commodore 64, I’m interested to know what that might mean to you. What’s tops on your forum list? What have you been dying to chat about, only to be disgusted by the awful commenting system here in Mambo.

Since the aforementioned comment system may make it inconvenient to respond, if you don’t want to comment here, email me: peter (at) createdigitalmusic (dot) com, or use our comment form. Put “Forum” in the subject. I look forward to hearing what you have to say — and I expect that will be a pattern.