
Who says a projector has to be the output?

For decades now, average musicians have easily controlled instruments via MIDI, from drum machines to pianos. Now, software makes it easier than ever for users to do the same with color and lights. The latest entry is the excellent visual timeline app Vezér. As of 1.3, it adds some very powerful new tricks:

  • Control lights over Ethernet. Via Art-Net, you can connect to DMX-compatible lights. What you need to know: that includes robot lamps, moving heads, and LED strips. See below.
  • Light control. To make that support work, Vezér now includes a DMX Monitor, Master Fader, and other dedicated Art-Net facilities.
  • Send colors over OSC. A new color track sends colors in various formats to other apps – see the image, top. Plus, you can —
  • Import color swatches from Adobe.
  • Import MIDI files.

What about color? As it happens, color is part of the OSC spec, and has been since 1.0. Read about it in the spec. VDMX supports it, and … well, nothing that we could find, but you can easily support it yourself! (Devs, anyone else out there want to chime in? Or get on this?)

Working with LEDs is a new skill, so Friends of Vezér are playing with the possibilities in a new workshop series. Behold the results – and this makes a good indication of what you can do.

The V from Reka Harsanyi on Vimeo.

More details and demo videos, plus a full changelog, on the official site: