We’re not worthy. Japanese site Digiland has published a review of KORG volca keys. And when they do sound demos for their review, they go a little crazy.

This video is the result: it’s a cover of Die Roboter (“The Robots”) by Kraftwerk that’s spookily-good. (Actually, it almost improves upon the original.)

The synth sounds all come from volca keys, apart from a vocal line using the Togu Audio Line TAL-Vocoder, and some beats from – what else? – volca beats.

Significantly, they’ve also posted a MIDI implementation chart.

We’re really not giving volca bass much love this week, now with two stories filed under “get a keys first,” and one under “mod the heck out of beats.” That and CDM is making a really terrible case for why KORG should loan us any volcas, since we’ve already covered them / seem like we might pull them apart and hack them. Ahem. But you get to enjoy.

Anyway, if I’m fired, I can go on a nice boat trip for the evening. Am I fired?