It’s crowd-sourced stop motion: twenty UK-based photographers equipped with Lomography LC-A+ 35mm film cameras (and a bit of Super 8) took to the streets of London’s Soho to shoot some film. In this age of faux-analog (hello, Instagram and Hipstamatic iPhone apps), it’s nice to see the texture of the real thing, complete with unexpected surprises and a certain human touch the digital apps don’t really replicate. Of course, the developing cost for this little experiment must have been fairly sizable – especially with the cost of developing in these twilight hours of film – but the results are gorgeous.

Lomography (aka the Lomographic Society) have earned some disdain from some photographers, even in the film community, for co-opting film cameras, but you have to respect the organization’s smart marketing, intelligent product line, and events. In fact, some of that resentment seems to stem from how good they are at their business. Still, it’s worth saying, film and even toy camera photography != Lomography. They’re just good at marketing it, and, hey, credit to them for being a brick-and-mortar source for this stuff in some very lean times.

Via my current favorite film/toy camera photo blog, an endless source of warm, fuzzy feelings and visual inspiration:
lc-a+ stop motion film [Diana Mini LOVE]

As for how this fits onto Create Digital Motion, well, I think Create Analog Motion may have to be a regular feature. I’m particularly impressed that results I get from film aren’t as easily replicated in digital – a far cry from the digital music side, for which the sound itself, at least, is more practical to model. On both sides, there’s a different workflow, and since there has to be analog at the output end (until your brain comes with digital ins), I remain intrigued by exploring analog as an input. It’s some nice stuff to take into the weekend.

Now, I just wish that the planned 8mm Gakken camera kit had come to fruition; it seems it never did. This stop motion stuff is fun, but the best visualist solution would clearly be a motion camera.