Spike Jonze meeting Björk, in a free zine with photos and … wontons

Turn the clock back to 1995. It’s the era of Bjork’s “It’s Oh So Quiet.” Detour Magazine asks Spike Jonez to photograph Björk, and he’s as smitten as all of us with her creative imagination. Now we get to see still more photos of that day, plus words and a complete chifa wonton recipe – for free.

In gorgeous ETHER, a handmade micro lens brings cymatics closer

Sound is physical, but we don’t often get to see that physicality. In this gorgeous video for Thomas Vaquié, directed by Nico Neefs, those worlds of vibrations explode across your screen. It’s the latest release from ANTIVJ, and it’s spellbinding.

Peter Kirn - November 13, 2018

A photo series documents clubs after the party

DJs, electronic musicians, and true fans know a side of clubland that is anything but glamorous. They know the brutal boredom of dressing rooms, the glaring reality of clubs with all the lights on. And DJs and staff are all too familiar with the wrecked landscape of clubs after the patrons have left.

Peter Kirn - May 27, 2016

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