
April Fools’ Day is turning into an avalanche of PR stunts. (Want to really fool people? Release your fake product in July. Oddly, so much of the game is whether anything is real or to be taken seriously, maybe the Internet has sort of spoiled the whole thing.)

But this is something different: spot-on parody from the crew at Manhattan’s Dubspot.

And… just keep watching. You really don’t want to miss Celine Dion.

My only fear is that something like this may soon be real, knowing the products that have tried to cash in on Dubstep. (That’s Dubstep, not to be confused with Dubspot.) Maybe there’s an implicit, if fun-loving, critique of formulaic music genres. Or maybe, just maybe, Phil Collins is about to get a new career in America’s EDM circuit. Consider it, Phil.

As for trap music as a style – well, as I was just telling someone on Facebook, part of why I went to Europe is that America is just, as ever, way behind culturally. CDM will shortly be covering the new scene coming out of Austria, Von Trapp. It’s really one of my favorite things. (Also: DJ Ackbar, from Italy, has a banging new EP; not to resort to base racial stereotypes, but it may soon have you shouting, “itsa trap!”)