It’s generative music that can fit into a spare pocket of a backpack. Nintendo DS + CellsDS homebrew + a little Lua code hacking + Korg’s Pandora PX4D guitar multi-effects = pure bliss.
Read moreRoland’s latest handheld boutique synth is a departure. Instead of a synth or drum machine, it was inspired by the SP-404. Here’s the skinny on its onboard sampling, effect, and sequencer features, direct from the source.
As much as music making can pick you up, sometimes you need an extra injection of joy. So meet Max – a blue dancing figure you will “vĂ¯be” to your music on any Ableton Live track, free. And more freebies: a bathroom reverb for Ableton Live and a chipper chippy 12-bit polysynth for any DAW.
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