DbN – The Found Tapes Project 2014 from DA BOOK on Vimeo.

If Auld Lang Syne and predictable “best of” lists are getting you down, here’s likely the weirdest-sounding New Years’ greeting you’ll get, to kick off 2014.

Düsseldorf by Night (DbN) improvises strange, creepy-beautiful soundscapes from cassettes. It turns the flea market into a sample library.

It looks like the terrific iPad app Samplr gets some heavy usage in this, as well. That’s a good choice – touchable waveforms keep everything happening live, with intuitive gestures, as would jamming on an instrument.

Bonus: if you see DbN’s Found Tapes Project as a live act, you can bring your own tapes to have them integrated with the show.

Da Book: composer, sound designer, app developer, and filmmaker, all. Not in fact from Düsseldorf. Photo courtesy the artist.

Da Book: composer, sound designer, app developer, and filmmaker, all. Not in fact from Düsseldorf. Photo courtesy the artist.

Don’t be thrown by the “Düsseldorf” tag: this music comes from Malmö, Sweden, not Germany. (File this alongside Architecture in Helsinki for “acts with misleading geography in their names.”) It’s the project of composer, developer, and filmmaker Patrik Kristoffer Book, aka DA BOOK, who has released music under various monikers and picked up some very prominent Danish filmmaking awards. (Yes, he’s a polymath.)

Here’s how he says Happy New Year:

Happy New Year 2014 from DbN from DA BOOK on Vimeo.


DbN wishes you a fine 2014. All music is live improvised. Video by Patrik K Book.

The Found Tapes Project

DbN take old cassette tapes found on flea markets and thrift stores and use them as raw material in fully live improvised electronic music performances.

The found tapes are sampled, manipulated, processed and ”physically played” using granular synthesis and other techniques, to create obscure rhythmical structures, noises and drones.

For each and every concert DbN use only cassette tapes found locally within the city or the area of the specific concert venue, making the raw material for every performance totally unique.



It seems more of this project is coming later this year. We’ll be listening.

