An information-dense twitter tip from Bigfug has notified us of some great news for those who love FreeFrameGL’s high performance mojo, but are sad about all their great FreeFrame Classic (yes, I just made that nomenclature up) effects gathering digital dust.

fugWrapperGL is a plugin which allows you to use FreeFrame 1.0 plugins in FreeFrameGL (aka FreeFrame 1.5). It’s an alpha release, so it may break your stuff, but you won’t know unless you try, so give it a spin!

FreeFrame Feedback in “Kitchen Redux” by eightprime

For the deep-geeks, BigFug has also releaseda FreeFrameGL Streaming plugin, to move video between FFGL apps, and fugCompilerGL, which “allows you to create your own FFGL plugins by just writing vertex, fragment, and geometry shaders”. Good times for FreeFrame.

If you’re working on some of your own deep-geeking, send something through to @Jaymis, @PeterKirn or @CDMBlogs on Twitter, or give some love to the slightly-neglected-in-this-decreasingly-email-centric-world contact page.