For one of the final Game On performances, Melbourne’s “spiky electro pop” group Flamingo Crash came along and rocked out in front of a bunch of security cameras, and alongside their visual collaborator Simulcast with his Tagtool.

They enjoyed the live footage so much that they commissioned me to edit it as an “offical” music video for their album.

Flamingo Crash – Sister Sister from Jaymis on Vimeo.

I’m seeing this kind of visualist- and web-savvy behavior coming from bands with increasing regularity. Artists (and audiences) are starting to realise that a music video doesn’t need to be blinged out and post-produced into sterility to be entertaining and valid. Outfits such as La Blogotheque’s “Take Away Shows” and $99 music videos are showcasing consistently high quality releases of low-budget, high-speed concepts. As a rule, visualists – those who can perform, produce, hack, and create new concepts and looks quickly – are going to do well in this environment. In the financially exciting world we have right now. Focussing on “fast and effective” also means that you’re able to release more work, which in turn attracts more people to your work, which allows you to release more work… Personally, I’ve more offers so far in 2009 than in all of 2008, so I don’t see this process reversing itself any time soon.