Andrea Cichecki’s live “In Nature” series brings modular into open air

There’s no reason synthesizers have to always appear in dingy industrial spaces – love those spaces as we do. Musician Andrea Chichecki has just completed the release of a three-part outdoor series of live performances on modular, and you can expect the same feeling of calm you might get from going along yourself.

“Exist is a feeling”: Organizers talk about their festival after losing Odai Masri

Palestinian-global festival and music platform Exist reached London this month at Cafe OTO, the latest triumph of adventurous programming and acrobatic work across borders and international challenges. Exist has always been abound reaching beyond boundaries, organizers say. This year, they have some poignant messages about what music can do to reach beyond the boundary between life and death. And they’ve shared some crucial thoughts and music with us as they reflect on that mission.

Peter Kirn - September 22, 2023

There’s a spring reverb thwack “Easter egg” waiting inside the Oberheim OB-6

I’m not sure which is better, musically slapping your synth, or the comments as Sequential reveals this demo of … smacking the spring reverb tank. Watch:

Peter Kirn - November 25, 2020

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