“I don’t always make music by the pool, but when I do, I use Roland.” Like a boss: Giorgio Moroder.

He’s been called the father of disco. He has Oscars for Top Gun, Flashdance, and Midnight Express. (Impressive with or without Oscars.) And he scored the epic of 80s youth childhood, The Never-Ending Story – and the original Battlestar Galactica. He’s worked with Bowie, and Freddy Mercury, and Blondie. He’s a pioneer in composing for electronic music, but he’s also earned honors for automotive engineering, with a hand in developing his own 16-cylinder sports car. Even the man’s mustache is legendary.

Giorgio Moroder is obviously a very smart man. And so he’s smart enough to use SoundCloud to earn yet more fans, to circumvent the tangles of obscurity and get rarities and remixes out into the world. Okay, it’s not quite on the level of squeezing out new levels of Italian automobile performance, but smart people are smart enough to do the obvious, too.

Let’s give the goodness a listen, shall we? Streaming only, but – okay, Mr. Moroder, let’s see your move for physical and download distribution next. And hirsute facial hair care. Because, I’m not joking: you’re one of our heroes.


Like Giorgio on Facebook to enjoy more from this artist – like some of the images I just can’t resist featuring here.

He has his own car. And apparently, two chefs to go with it. Yes, he’s Italian.

Cooler than Superman.

Cooler than, groovier than, and 100% more alive than Einstein.

