Instruments like the Theremin may be trying to shake off their association with fear, dread, and the unnatural. But the synthesizer has no such concern: after all, the Moog is pretty much a rock star, literally. So, for anyone fiddling around with the Animoog – hopefully including iPad owners who are newer to synthesis – you can now grab a bunch of presets to provide the perfect sonic accompaniment to this Halloween. The sounds are the work of synthesist/sound designers Drew Neumann and Kevin Lamb.

And as if the app, currently on sale for $.99, weren’t already a steal for people who already have the iPad, the presets are free. Just move quickly: the price jumps to US$29.99 on November 18.

An email registration is required.
Halloween Sound Set Download
Animoog product page

Of course, what would also be a lot of fun would be some sort of proximity sensor for your app, for use at a party… okay, we have a few hours left if anyone can wire up the Arduino hardware link on Android or the camera on the iPhone or the motion sensor or … something. Go!

Got other Halloweeny news for us? Let us know!

Installation instructions from Moog (by popular demand):

  1. Download the Halloween Sound Set and un-zip the file.
  2. Connect your iPad (with Animoog installed) to your computer.
  3. Launch iTunes and select the iPad in the devices list.
  4. Select the “Apps” tab for the iPad.
  5. Scroll down to “Animoog File Sharing,” and click “Add.”
  6. Select all the files in the Animoog Halloween folder you just un-zipped.
  7. Launch Animoog and select “Import Presets” from the settings tab.

That also demonstrates how you could share other presets.