DIY hardware isn’t just for abstract and noise musicians any more: visualists are getting in on the act. While on the subject of glitchy visuals from bent gaming hardware, GetLoFi reports this week on several new DIY projects to delight the eyes.

The EX PMX is a homemade analog video synth that … does … something. Something with lasers. And stepper motors, for sequencing audio and video. Good grief, I think you can actually create whole rhythmic sequences just by mechanically switching video inputs. (And as regular readers know, it’s rare that I’m completely stumped on what something does, meaning this gets extra cool points.)

EX PMX homemade video analog synths [GetLoFi]

For fans of glitchy, distorted visuals, Tokyo, Japan was just host to a whole workshop on creating visual bends from toys, Famicom game systems (the original NES, as shipped in Japan), and more. Details again at GetLoFi:

Visual Bending Workshop in Tokyo, Japan [GetLoFi]

You can watch the event in photos and videos at this Japanese site:

Visual Bending Workshop [Photos, Videos, Japanese-language description]

For those new to this, GetLoFi is definitely the best site to watch for circuit-bending, musical and visual. Now back to programming ActionScript, though it sure would be nice to have some hardware to hack, too — controllers and switchers should keep even those who dislike glitchy aesthetics in their own work plenty busy.

[tags]hardware, hacks, DIY, synthesis, video, circuit-bending, Japan[/tags]