OSM tapes in Thessaloniki, Greece shares new sonic contortions from the “twisted live electronics” of Ex.Hale. It arrives just as help is urgently needed to assist Greece in the aftermath of devastating fires.

This “code red for humanity” business of climate change is more visceral than ever, as Greeks watch their nation literally in flames – and we look on in horror. Thessaloniki-based OSM Tapes, the underground imprint of Opioid Slot Machine, is diverting all resources to the crisis. They also provide the direct donation resource, if you prefer.

It has an eerie familiarity, all of it – the intersection of existential planetary crisis and negligent leadership which seems to be our current global milieu.

But as the label says, “solidarity is our only weapon.”

Athens-based project Phormix (and accompanying label) has been sharing these unreal images:

And to me, the role of music remains – rather than just asking for money, sound can reach the emotional core of these issues. It’s a way of processing this scary time in which we live, just at the moment that our empathy and motivation are exhausted.

So let’s also really give Ex.Hale a deep listen. It’s four cuts of rich, off-kilter sound, broken and powerful rhythms, driving grooves across ruined textures – suitably weird dances for our apocalyptic realities:

Before 3 months we made three big VA compilations for the needs of Colombian protesters. Unfortunately the needs worldwide are limitless. Since last week Greece is suffering from big fires, a lot of people lost their houses, thousands of animals died and huge areas burnt down completely. Therefore we decided to donate all incomes from the 3 compilations of the last month and till the end of August(at least) to Συντονιστικό Ομάδων & Δομών Αλληλεγγύης Αττικής. Also we have a new release from Ex.Hale as “name your price” for the same cause. In case you want to donate directly to Συντονιστικό Ομάδων & Δομών Αλληλεγγύης Αττικής you can do it on the following link:


My sincere solidarity to readers and friends connected to this region. Evia is a nightmare, with lives and livelihoods collapsing along with the landscape. I hope at the very least you know we are thinking of you. Στέλνοντας αγάπη.

And yeah, having heard from some of our Greek synth maker friends, also sending you some support – stay cool, breathe easy.

Bandcamp link

Direct aid link

Here, too, are their compilations for Colombia (now diverting temporarily to Greece):