Cakewalk’s Z3TA+ has long been a favorite virtual analog / waveshaping soft synth, so much so that it consistently hits top 10 lists of software classics, even as it’s been (in past, at least) a Windows-only offering. Years, later, though, it’s most definitely due for an update. Cakewalk has released a video of what’s in store this week, with a redesigned UI, new effects, deeper editing options (which, incidentally, had been my disappointment with the first generation), and improved sound quality.


  • New sound content, many from original Z3TA+ sound designers
  • New waveshaping functionality
  • New filter types (check out the “parallel/dual” routing visible in the video)
  • Enhanced effects routing, with drag-and-drop support
  • Graphical arpeggiator

Visible in the video, “time morph”, having something to do with wave morphing, is looking very interesting.

Correction: Cakewalk confirms this will remain Windows-only.

The soft synth market is a crowded one, but I like the straightforward look of the design here, and the emphasis on waveshaping and time modulation. CDM should get a chance to look at this very soon, so let us know if you have questions.