Bitwig Studio now gets its own dedicated iOS controller – and it’s got tons of deep features for controlling projects, clips, cues, devices, and the mixer.

Developer Marko Krüger writes to tell us about his creation. These are iPhone screenshots here, but it also scales to iPad – with a lot more real estate for big mixers and clip views. It’s impressively capable even on the iPhone. (You’ll need a device with iOS 16 or greater.)

Project controls.

The real advantage here is extensive integration. So that’s not just the basics – clips, mixing, transport – but also the ability to jump to particular cue markers or dive deep into sub pages and FX chains. Bitwig’s open API is nicely suited to the task: you just download a single .extension file and drop it in Bitwig’s Extensions folder, and you’re off and running.

The feature list goes deep:

  • Transport
  • Project actions: save, zoom to fit, hide/show panels
  • Mixer: volume, pan, mute, solo/arm recording, send FX
  • Cue Markers
  • Enable write automation, groove
  • Clip control (launch, stop, record, and even create and delete clips)
  • Send FX
  • Device Remote Control parameters, across all pages
Mixer view.
Device control … even sub-pages and chains are fully supported.
Clips view.

For Ableton Live users, zerodebug touchAble Pro and imaginando LK do a lot of the same – LK in particular also has a lot of musical controllers. But I’m sure Bitwig users will find this a welcome tool. And it’s clearly a real labor of love.

The Project page alone is impressive.

Check out the app: