Get involved in the development of the open source WretchUp app for mobiles. With iOS funded, the next goal is extra features – and Android support. Photo: Nexus, (CC-BY-SA) kodel.

We’re in the final hours of the crowd funding campaign for Mouse on Mars’ handheld effects instrument, WretchUp. We’ve been really amazed at the level of support – we quickly reached our funding goal for the iOS app’s budget. But now we’re pushing in the final hours for just a bit more funding. It’ll allow us to do a dedicated port to the Android platform, if we can reach $7000 or more. And we’ll have additional budget for adding extra functionality beyond our current plans (something we’ll be discussing with backers as we work).

We’re really excited about the team of designers and creative people we get to work with on this, from Mouse on Mars to artists and creators. And, we’re especially eager to take advantage of the ability to release a fully open-source app: the patch will work on desktop, all the source code we can release, we will, and we’ll have a chance to help people to better understand how to use these tools to make their own instruments. The end result, then, isn’t just an app from us: it might lead to apps and patches from other people, too.

Backing WretchUp isn’t just a charity. You get the app gifted to you, and exclusive Mouse on Mars music in the form of the WretchDubbed album. In fact, we tried to calibrate backer levels to what we felt was the value of what you get in return – so this is an exchange of value and not a “donation.” Physical versions of that album are already all claimed, but lossless downloads are still available.

We also intend to involve backers in the development of the app as we finish polishing it up for iOS and (hopefully) Android. After all, if the whole idea of the model here is getting you to pay for the app you want before it becomes available, it seems it only makes sense to include those people most eager to get the app in the process of building it.

Music will be available in the next few weeks, with the final app available early in winter 2013.

Here’s a look of some of what’s in the app:

We shot a video with Jan and Andi in their studio here in Berlin, and had entirely too much fun.

And, to give you an idea of what lies underneath, here’s a screenshot of the underlying Pd (Pure Data) patch from a prototype version of WretchUp, originally built to work inside RjDj. An updated version of this patch will be available before the app, and will no longer require RjDj. We’re also adding additional sonic features beyond what this patch does, so while much of the work lies on the native side of iOS and Android and providing usability / interface / performance optimization / front-end functionality, we are working more with the patch and sound itself.

And because this is about music and not just apps, here’s the WretchDubbed album MoM made, featuring WretchUp as one of their instruments / studio effects:

I want to thank everyone who’s gotten involved. Apps are generally thought of as a way of promoting artists or something like that. Here, I will say, the relationship has become quite different. Everything we do with this tool, we have two experienced artists who can then be the ultimate test of this – can we build something that they can be happy with onstage and in their music? Involving more contributors and developers, and then opening up the results to a wider community of musicians and coders, I think holds real promise.

So, with hours left, have at it:

With the iOS goal met, Android is our next target in the final hours of the campaign.