After our previous performance at Game On, Sampology and I have been asked to return to the State Library of Queensland to wind up the Game On exhibition with a bigger, brighter, geeklier AV turntablist set, which we’ll be streaming live tomorrow night.

You’ve already seen what Sam can do with Serato Video-SL (as reviewed previously on CDM), so instead I’d like to share with you my new favorite Herovision video. Featuring Vader’s 501st Legion (and the Dark Lord himself making an appearance on stage) playing, what else, but the Dark Lord Ozzie’s Black Sabbath – Paranoid.

Herovision + The Empire: Black Sabbath – Paranoid from Herovision on Vimeo.

Sam and I will be preceeded on stage by Yahtzee (of Zero Punctuation) and Matt and Yug (of Australian Gamer), who will have a screening of their show Game Damage, and then talk about games rather a lot.

Using web production studio Mogulus, the stream will be viewable at 6PM AEST (8AM GMT, 3AM New York) on the CDMedia channel, and there’s a countdown (so you can check the time) and embedded player at Herovision.