Your Eurorack modular is already mostly evil. But why not go straight to the top – erm, bottom – and bring in the Dark One himself, with Lucifer?

Oh yeah, “analog sound” is all about purity and clean sounds. Like, whatever. Let’s just get completely brutally corrupted, sonically speaking. Our good friend Error Instruments is bringing this madness to Berlin next month – and it’s on sale now:

Really, better to get infected with this than the … other infections we’ve been dealing with.

So what’s going on here?

Basically frequency modulation, sub bass, cross modulation. 8HP, EUR199. You get gate and drum ins, noise and two audio outs (one mixed, one not), plus plenty of ways to control all that modulation – big knob, bit switch, and then multiple CV inputs.

It’s a shame, my mother’s birthday was Saturday and I just missed sending this to her. Sorry, Mom.

It’s the latest original creation from Error Instruments, Dutch purveyor of lots of gear and weird noisemakers, as well as producer of some of their own noise and modular instruments. Satan appears to have also been consulting on the Error Instruments CSS, but you can check out more at the site:

It is experimental and complex, but I could also imagine shaping that nice mess into some brutal basslines and drum sounds, depending on the context.

Well, this is exactly the sort of thing I’ll be looking for at Superbooth. And yes, side note – Superbooth Berlin is back on, with lots of precautions to deal with the COVID-19 era. So see you here in Germany, folks – mask on, of course.