DIY and instrument-making can be about tinkering and inventing. But it can also be about finding one instrument for your performance and iterating over the long term. That’s what Kacper Ziemianin, aka Ctrl Freq, has done with this “Light-Sequencer” instrument (LSe) – and it’s just reached a breakthrough third hardware version with an accompanying live show.
Read moreHow about Commodore AMIGA-style sampling – complete with pixel UI, lo-fi sampling styles, vintage time-stretching, and both modern and Amiga file support – in a plug-in? It’s Amigo Sampler, it’s got a price point from a fish and chips shop, and it sounds wicked. (The plug-in, and the music from the folks making it, too…)
Dutch designer Rob Hordijk inspired many instrument creators before his death last fall. Meng Qi is one of those moved by his work. He has just released an alternative firmware for his Wingie2 that allows it to behave like Hordijk’s beloved Blippoo Box.
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