Speaking of mechanical motion and machine drawing, in the work of Robert Howsare, vintage equipment becomes part kinetic sculpture, part machine artist. In “Drawing Apparatus,” two turntables become a generative geometric drawing machine, Spirograph-style. (See some really lovely-looking renders by this machine on the artwork project page. Via Today and Tomorrow, hat tip to portable.tv and Cool Hunting.)

The revolution of the records create drawings that serve as a markers of temporality. The drawings also speak to the idea of the editionable print through their ability to be replicated using domestic materials.

IV Phases is a hypnotic work involving phasing loops of film, producing new patterns of sound and music:

IV Phases explores chance operations and interventions upon film through the use of multiple projectors and film loops. When played through optical sound projectors, the screen printed mark on the 16mm film creates its own soundtrack, determined by the pattern and opacity of the ink. IV Phases presents the seemingly infinite possibilities that are capable from a finite system, as film loops of varying lengths are continually falling in and out of sync creating continuously shifting imagery. When viewed from the back, the two-way mirror acts as a screen for the layered projection, while simultaneously becoming a projector/reflector that deconstructs the layers upon the opposite wall. The apparatus is now implicated in its own projection creating a volley between material and process. The projection allows an opportunity for further possibilities of chance operation through audience interaction.

See also direct film documentation of IV Phases:
