It’s late Friday here, which is roughly the point that I want to watch neon-colored animations of palm trees and Miami Vice-style vector animation. You?

Canadian-based, international art collective King Deluxe is full of musical video wonders; this one is by French animator Alexandre Louvenaz, to music from an upcoming Fancy Mike album entitled Mary B James. Thanks to Peter Krahn from King Deluxe for sending this our way. For more of their work:

For something entirely different, Estonian artist Elina Kasesalu’s “Lullaby for a Nameless Creature” is a beautiful animation drawing from a terrific psychedelic past, fitting perfectly a lovely Calvin Cardioid album.

Calvin Cardioid – Lullaby for a Nameless Creature from Elina Kasesalu on Vimeo.

Portfolios by that artist:

And this should be catnip to cat lovers:

Ana Lola Roman – Temple of Cats (unofficial video) from Elina Kasesalu on Vimeo.

And more from the collective: