Last year’s Moogfest was one of the hottest tickets of the year for lovers of analog synths. It’s back. Honoring Bob Moog and his amazing instruments, Moogfest is a massive musical mash featuring top keyboardists and synthesists led by musical director Jason Miles, the keyboardist – composer – producer who’s work can be heard on everything from Michael Jackson’s HIStory to Miles Davis’ Tutu. Who has Jason pulled this year?

  • Edgar Winter
  • Will Calhoun (Living Colour)
  • The Volt Per Octaves (Favorite band name ever! -Ed.)
  • Adam Holzman (Miles Davis)
  • Jordan Rudess (Dream Theatre)
  • Steve Molitz (Particle)
  • Brazilian Girls
  • Deodato
  • Don Preston (Frank Zappa)
  • Chris Clark (John Entwistle)
  • Gershon Kingsley
  • DJ Logic

  • If you’re in New York City, you’ll want to be at B.B. King’s on May 31. See the Moogfest site for more details and tickets. And, of course, I’ll be there, so say hi!

    Incidentally, I submit the pictured t-shirt as an addition to Tom’s list of geek tees over at MusicThing. (Or this classic — or, coolest of them all, this lounge-style model.)