live in mannheim at bseite festival from mr monkeypresso on Vimeo.

[Advisory: some women with pasties in there.]

David, aka Mr. Monkeypresso, was also at Manheim’s B Seite visual fest. He sends along some documentation of his live set, which made use of some visual tools of which we’re already quite fond:

a small demo of my latest live visuals what i did in mannheim, at the great bseite festival. I used here for first time my soft. developed in quartz composer. Thanks for all who helped me in this (Kineme, Vade, Memo and more). And thanks for Benjamin Jantzen for the festival.

For some of those Quartz Composer Mac resources, see our previous story:

VDMX + Quartz Composer, in Free Video Tutorials

And you might want to specifically check out CDMo contributor vade’s own Cocoa/QC projects:


Plus of course the Kineme plug-ins and tutorials:

Kineme Quartz Composer Stuff

And the always-awesome Memo Akten, with lots of eye candy and still more QC resources: