If you want a nice, pristine, versatile delay/reverb, then … this isn’t it. It’s called the MotherF***er 2 for a reason.

It’s the creation of Ewa Justka, engineer and musician born in Poland and based in London. (Ewa was also nice enough to co-host the MusicMakers Hacklab with us at CTM Festival this year, where she was a patient and inspirational guide for our artists in inventing all manner of new things.)

And this pedal is all sorts of crazy in all the best ways. Keep watching, as there are actually a bunch of different possible sounds in there.

And actually, even “normal people” might want to use it. It doesn’t just have to make gnarly noises, though – mixing nice with gnarly is often appealing, too.

There’s CV, too – hence the sequenced input at one point in the video.


The MotherFucker 2 is super versatile audio synth or effect pedal, perfect for noise musicians as well doomcore lovers AS WELL AS FOR NORMAL PEOPLE who play guitars. or sing. not sure what norma people do.
It is a developed version of the Motherfucker1 Delay/Reverb pedal (which can be purchased here https://www.etsy.com/uk/your/shops/Optotronics/tools/Optotronics/uk/listings/471716443: ).
It contains double PT2399 (double delay, double reverb), you can choose how much delay/reverb you want (basically wet/dry) and you can decide if you want to use both delays or one.
it also contains built in VCO with a clock also built in, you can choose if you want to use the internal clock but you can also use an external trigger/cv signal to control vco, which than can be fed into delay units.
it also contains noise push button for extra feedback amount.

!! you need to get 9V 600mA power supply, it’s not included.

Someone will clearly combine this with a Moog Mother 32. Ahem.

It’s handmade to order, but if you want one, you can buy it on Etsy.


And it’s a really inspiring design; makes me want to look at some reverb/delay project myself!