Think A/V artists, visualists, and VJs can’t get work? Don’t tell that to superstar production team Addictive TV. They’ve been proving that you really don’t need a trailer for a film any more – just hire a VJ. It started when they created a web viral for the movie Take the Lead, and they went on to remix the Olympics

Now, the only problem is, I think you might actually need a VJ for the entire film to make a movie based on a computer game that isn’t crap. (Maybe Max Payne will be The One … even if it does come eons after anyone was playing Max Payne.) But for a couple of minutes, they can certainly make Max Payne cool; whether that sustains an entire cinematic evening I leave to Mark Wahlberg and the production team.

Even cooler, however: remixing Kristin Scott-Thomas and the music of Cole Porter (top). Cole, I’m sure, would approve, as would Kristin’s Greatest Fan, Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson. (I wish I could remember some lewd comment he made about Kristin, but then, this is a Family Site.)

Best of all? Watch them both at the same time. (Get someone to hold open your eyelids for a full-blown Clockwork Orange-style viewing party. Thanks, Brian Kane.)

It’s good stuff. And things are beginning to align – MGM is posting full films on YouTube, though not necessarily under a remix-friendly license (the usual copyright protections apply).

But could people soon be grabbing popcorn and really watching live cinema? Could VJs replace trailers with the same, generic booming sound effects and some dude saying meaningless lines like “Sometimes, the only way home is to start over again.”

Yeah. I think so. History is on our side, people.

More on Addictive TV:

Addictive TV @ MySpace

Create Digital Motion interview: Addictive Remix Olympics Live