It's a cutoff knob - for a quantum singularity. Photo courtesy Waldorf.

It’s a cutoff knob – for a quantum singularity. Photo courtesy Waldorf.

This week is likely to be bursting with new synths. And one of the prolific makers of such instruments comes from Remagen, Germany, in the form of Waldorf.

Their latest teaser doesn’t tell us much other than there’s a new synth coming. But oh, my — that’s a crazy looking label for a filter cut-off knob.

There’s really only one way to respond to this:

For reference, here’s the last wild knob label from Waldorf, on their (wonderful, by the way) Rocket synth:


I just hope you don’t get your double helix in a strick on this one — what, just because the last NAMM preview coverage has occasionally been based on unverifiable, potentially-completely-wrong rumors and my inability to count to the number 4. (4×4 grid, 3×4 grid, maybe I go cross-eyed sometimes looking at a computer screen all day.)

Via De:bug

Updated: Tom Whitwell, creator of the wonderful former Music thing, suggests an alternative for an even crazier knob label:

Innerclock Systems Sync Shift MKII MIDI / DIN Interface [Matrixsynth]