I covered the OTO Machines Biscuit early this year, in particular noting the design process of creating new hardware. Hardware today is back with a vengeance, but with the flexibility of software: the gear is contained in a single object and interface, but can be upgraded just as computer code on a desktop can. Sure enough, OTO are back this week with a series of updates, which are easier to watch and hear than to talk about. See the video above for four new effects and various other improvements, available as a free firmware update and delivered (oh, the retro glory) via SysEx.

It’s quite a success, too, for a boutique offering. 300 units have already sold, say OTO: “200 more will be available in November, with 150 already sold from this next batch.”

It’s love in a digital age.

OTO Machines BISCUIT: 8-bit + Analog Filter Effect; Designing New Hardware

Official site: