Nintendo Day: For DS Homebrew Players and Nintendo Musicians, Buyer Beware

We’ve covered homebrew development and players for Nintendo DS before, but since then there have been some new developments. Yesterday, Gizmodo noted a media dock for the Nintendo DS Lite. The device looks great, on first glance: it plays MP3s, movies, and JPEGs off CompactFlash, right on the DS. But the killer feature for many […]

Nintendo Day: Tenori-On Live Performance in Spain, From ElectroPlankton Creator and Interactive Wizard

Toshio Iwai, creator of Electroplankton, is working on a new digital musical instrument with Yamaha. It’s called the Tenori-On and, at least from an industrial design point of view, it looks beautiful. And if you’re in Spain, you can check it out live in action.

Nintendo Day: How to Make ElectroPlankton Rock (A Wishlist)

I’ve had Electroplankton for a while now, and I feel the need to document my experience. Reviews of Electroplankton in general are redundant: people either get it or they don’t. If you’re a music nerd and enjoy experimental music, you’ll love it. Enough said. Hence, this exposition, or perhaps exposé – you choose. For anyone […]

Now on CDM Forums: YouTube Videos

We’ve added the ability to insert YouTube videos directly into forum posts. This will have all sorts of useful applications, but right now we’re having fun: Posting YouTube Videos Full instructions at the link above, but you’ll see a tag in the posting interface. As with all YouTube videos, you need Flash Player installed for […]

Following the M-Audio Axiom Keyboards; Shipping Update, Final Cut Support?

M-Audio had a big role in popularizing the cheap, simple USB/MIDI keyboards that are ubiquitous today. By about a year ago, though, M-Audio’s own options were looking somewhat lacking: while still very affordable, they lacked the variety of controls on some of their competitors, plus higher-end features like aftertouch that had begun to make their […]

More on Session, M-Audio’s GarageBand Clone for Windows

I spoke last night to Robb Mason, Director of Consumer Sales for M-Audio, at the DigitalLife press reception in midtown Manhattan. He was able to confirm some additional details about M-Audio’s new entry-level software product for Windows: GarageBand for Windows? That’s really how M-Audio sees this product. Their argument is that other entry-level software, like […]

Mactel Watch: Native Instruments Intel Native in Fall / Late Year

Unless you do all your music work in some combination of Apple Logic (Pro/Express), Ableton Live, and/or Reason, it’s still a little premature to go buy that MacBook. Native Instruments, for example, recently updated their timetable for release. Fall sounds like the sweet spot for most musicians to upgrade, thanks to more shipping software with […]

Your Studios: corporation’s Modded DM2 USB Scratch Surface, Mash-ups; DM2 Forum

From the forums, corporation has been kind enough to give us a glimpse at his fantastically cool studio, complete with a nicely-decorated DM2 USB control surface. The Mixman DM2 was intended as a toy for computer DJ newbies, but the hardware feels surprisingly nice and, thanks to apparent overstocks of the DM2, often shows up […]

Design a Skin for CME’s Tricked Out Music Keyboards

I love CME. This Chinese manufacturer came out of nowhere with a new keyboard so overloaded with features and priced so absurdly low, initially some of the staff at Keyboard who saw it at NAMM thought there was some kind of translation error, like they didn’t understand the currency conversion. They’ve come up with bizarre […]

Wireless MIDI Interface: CME’s “WIDI” X8, with 80M Range

M-Audio isn’t the only game in town for affordable wireless MIDI. CME, the Chinese music equipment manufacturer distributed by Yamaha, has their own MIDI interface. And it looks like they might beat M-Audio to shipping a standalone MIDI interface — with a far greater range, to boot.