Okay, Web gurus, weekend bloggers alike — it’s time to band together.

Thanks to your support and contributions, I’ve got lots of ideas for where to take this site in the future. Only problem: we could use at least some light Mambo, PHP, and Web expertise to give the sight a new look, easier navigation, and new functionality that will make it more useful to all of us.

So it’s time for another call to arms: anyone out there know folks with mad PHP skills, Mambo expertise, etc.? if you’re a pro, I might be able to hire you for limited work; if you’re just an amateur and web editor like me, we can band together and exchange tips — especially if you’re running Mambo.

Incidentally, for those interested, see today’s extensive Ars Technica report on the continuing soap opera surrounding the award-winning software that drives CDM, Mambo — er, the software soon to be known as the software formerly known as Mambo. (Related: Open Source Matters, the new group formed by open source Mambo developers who have announced their separation from Mambo core.)