Piccolo is like candy for people who like robots and drawing machines. It’s affordable, cute, and downright fun. It’s going to be on your Christmas in July wanted list. How awesome is it? Let us count the ways:

  • It’s under US$70.
  • It’s Arduino-compatible.
  • It works with Processing – ideal for drawing experiments.
  • It’s open source hardware.
  • It’s easy to assemble.
  • You can make 2D and 3D things – and it appears to excel as a drawing machine.
  • Connect it to Arduino, and you can make your own sensor-driven drawings and other creations.

I’m really excited to meet the creators when they speak at the Open Design Symposium in Linz, Austria, and present this workshop at LiWoLi afterward.

I’ve signed up for their workshop, so hopefully will be building and testing one of these myself. I’ll let you know how it goes. I’m also speaking and performing at the event, talking about Open Design and music, and, of course, our MeeBlip. (I hope I can find some way of connecting MeeBlip and Piccolo, too. Wish me luck.)

Piccolo is the creation of the brilliantly-named Diatom Studio, in collaboration with Cheng Xu and Huaishu Peng from the CoDe Lab.
More: http://www.piccolo.cc/