What would electronic machines be like without our usual resources? What about sound from old screw cans and radiosensitivity, or the reclaimed science of fluidics and swirls of water? Romanian-born, Berlin-based artist Ioana Vreme Moser asks those questions in her work, today at CTM Festival, in a discussion you can catch live online.

Ioana’s entire work website is a beautiful rabbit hole of ingenious, often fragile inventions. There are sound sculptures made of sugar, with 1960s Fairchild chips embedded in hard candy – the perfect antidote to our chip-driven culture. In Coquetta, noisy electronic instruments find themselves crossed with makeup kits and high-heeled shoes.

This week, Ioana promises essential reevaluation of sound instruments and computation in times of scarcity.

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Diving into the mineral realms of computer hardware, this talk will inspect the radiosensitive proprieties of galvanized leftovers to reinforce sounding communication networks in a collective. An old screw can become a surrogate for a transistor to scream modulated tones when treated properly.
Further on, we will look at fluidics, a technology lost in history that doesn’t require many resources to operate, only simple fluid matter guided by natural phenomena. Following water movements and swirls, this talk gives a glimpse into a hardware form that reimagines the morphology of our electronic machines.

Pirouette Machines. Fluid Components [MusicMakers Hacklab Input @ CTM Festival]


More of her previous work – revisiting fluidic computing:

Plus working with semiconductors and scrap materials:

Images here:

Coquetta, 2020.

Coquetta in improvisation with Pierre Bastien at 4fakultät #18, 2021, photographed by Maik Gräf.

Tune in and let us know if you want to learn more about Ioana’s work!