CDM reader Tim in New Zealand gets our dream 5.1 surround studio prize: 250-input Euphonix desk? Check. Actual movie theater for production? Check. Ultra-sexy mood lighting and furniture? But of course.

How do you get to work in a post production studio that looks like it could double as someone’s evil headquarters in a Bond flick? Simple: wait until Peter Jackson shoots another Lord of the Rings Trilogy in your backyard, let that whole film get done (Tim says he’s not a fan, and turned down a freelance-only FX gig on the films), and then sit back, relax, and get ready to mix in the world’s most beautiful studio.

The Park Post Road site is still under construction; check it out for one nice shot and click the movie screen to watch the studio being built, time-lapse style. But Tim does send a full photo essay on sound design for The World’s Fastest Indian. Let me get this straight: you call playing around with vintage cars and motorcycles work?

Meanwhile, for more of Peter Jackson’s fantasy expenditures, don’t miss Music Thing’s coverage of Peter’s $100,000 nickelodeons. The guy’s got style.