As the sun sets over CDM contributor Matt Ganucheau’s Bay Area home, we gaze back into 2011, with a mix of music you can enjoy through another year. Photo courtesy Mr. Ganucheau.

You’re back from (for many) holidays, back online, back at work, facing or embracing a new year. What better time to energize your ears and soul with music from 2011?

Finding a “best music of…” anything can be difficult or skewed. So, instead, I’ve invited two CDM contributors to share selections, music to which they’d like to introduce you, rather than to commit to what is or is not “best.”

In fact, Matt Ganucheau, a technologist, media artist, and producer/DJ, ultimately threw out some commentary he was writing and concluded, simply:

“This is in no way a ‘best songs of 2011 mix”, rather it is a collection of the songs that gave me the most joy to play for a crowd. I hope you enjoy these songs as I have and have an amazing 2012.”

I like the notion of sharing here, with an online crowd, the music that worked playing for a crowd of humans in person.

The mix, complete with SoundCloud links for absolutely everything (and yes, 2011 was nothing if not the Year of SoundCloud):
01 Mr. Little Jeans – The Suburbs (Arcade Fire Cover)
02 Evenings – Babe
03 Moths – Heart
04 Jewelers – Tape
05 Washed Out – Before
06 Starfucker – Recess Time
07 Walls – Sunporch
08 Peaking Lights – All The Sun That Shines
09 Young Montanan? – Scare Cool
10 Siriusmo – Einmal in Der Woche Schreien
11 Jamie XX – Far Nearer
12 Bibio – Saint Christopher
13 Little Dragon – Ritual Union
14 Thundercat – Daylight

2011 Mix by ganucheau