What do you mean, we’ve never had a cartoon of the week before and probably never will again? And what do you mean, Music Thing has covered it already? (So, my informant Adrian Anders has a tendency to submit tips to multiple blogs and I was traveling this weekend . . . what do you want?)

CDM proudly presents another coveted Cartoon of the Week, to Rock Gods of Rock, for achievement in creating a cartoon about a magic guitar, trans-dimensional fights against lousy R&B-driven pop babes, and bad cleavage jokes. Random cartoonists, we salute you. Bonus points: Guitar/bass/keyboard trio: because no band is complete without a keyboard. (Here that, 80% of guitar bands in America?)Rock Gods of Rock on Channel 101

Send your submissions for next week’s cartoon of the week (cough, cough!) to Create Digital Music, care of the Low Frequency Oscillator Tower, New York, NY.