That time the band Journey made an Atari 2600 game

As Atari celebrates its 50th year, why not recall the pinnacle of gameplay that was “Journey: Escape” – the vivid Atari 2600 title to match the band.

Radiohead just released 1.8GB of MiniDisc demos on Bandcamp

Gen X and Y just got their Beatles Anthology, basically – and it’s fantastic. Radiohead remind us why we love them with nearly two gigs of demos ripped from (seriously) MiniDiscs.

Peter Kirn - June 11, 2019

Now ‘AI’ takes on writing death metal, country music hits, more

Machine learning is synthesizing death metal. It might make your death metal radio DJ nervous – but it could also mean music software works with timbre and time in new ways. That news – plus some comical abuse of neural networks for writing genre-specific lyrics in genres like country – next.

Peter Kirn - April 22, 2019

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