AEScripts is a required destination for After Effects users. I featured their work (Magnum – the Edit Detector) last year in my Ninja Video Sampling workflow. Last month they relaunched the site with a sleek new look, and a sleek new Name Your Own Price model for their scripts.

Some great new additions to the site include Randomizer, Sequence Layers, AudioAmpToVideoSpeed, rd: Slicer and RepositionAnchorPoint. These, and most of the other scripts on the site, feature a $0 price minimum. So you can get the scripts for free, and drop some cash later if they become an indispensable part of your workflow.

According to head honcho Lloyd, their pricing experiment is working quite well:

… believe it or not i am happy to say that the little experiment seems to be working. Nothing to retire on of course, but definitely more successful than the passive “Buy Lloyd A Beer” button that almost never got pressed.

The most recent script release – pt_Panorama – was used in combination with some Trapcode filters (Lux and Particular most prominently) in this lovely spot for Lexus:

JMDesign is hosting 3 tutorial videos explaining how a lot of these effects were created.

How much do we love people sharing their tools and techniques!