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Free Video Mapping Tool Gets More Mature: VPT 5 Beta

HC Gilje’s “conversations with spaces” research and work is an effort to blur the line between digital imagery and the surfaces on which it’s projected. But rather than just make this a solo endeavor, HC shares his Max/MSP-Jitter-based tools for Mac and Windows with the larger community, free. Using the model of sources, layers, mixers, […]

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Immersive Theater Takes a Permanent, Dome-Shaped Form In Montreal, Alongside New Tools

Audiovisual technology has returned to spectacle. Artists are armed with new technologies for fusing space and image, sound and sight. What they tend not to have is permanent spaces. And that lack of venues has made audiovisual artists nomadic and provisional, constrained to hastily-provisioned, rectangular, sometimes dim projections. In short, for revolutions to happen, you […]

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Stereoscopic Dance Theater, with Kafka

CPU (Central Processing Unit) – 2min edit vs2 from 1n0ut on Vimeo. The use of illusion to create onstage ghosts (Pepper’s Ghost) dates back to the 19th Century; optical effects and dramatic trickery far further. So, naturally, new digital techniques are sure to provide ammunition for creative theatrical staging, as in this work, “CPU.” In […]

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Kinect Hacking and Art Round Table: Why it Matters, What You Need to Know

Interactive Puppet Prototype with Xbox Kinect from Theo Watson on Vimeo. When Microsoft gobbled up vision technology and announced they were channeling their own research into a product for their game console, artists, researchers, and hackers lamented. It seemed the tech might be destined only for a handful of mainstream game titles. Hours after the […]

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Removing the Walls Between Mac Visual Apps: Syphon Beta, Projects, VDMX, Mad Mapping

Syphon VDMX 5 Beta 8 integration Demo from vade on Vimeo. Once upon a time, we imagined a future in which computer applications shared content, media, and data effortlessly, where different tools all coexisted. The reality we got was, in almost every category, far more monolithic. By exploiting a little-known feature of the Mac’s graphics […]

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8500 Years of Istanbul's History, Played Out Against a Building, and Amping it Up

‘YEKPARE’ (monolithic) from nerdworking on Vimeo. From over the summer, here’s a dazzling visual narrative set out against a train station in the town. It also answers a point made recently in comments. The impact of projection mapping is indeed greatly dimmed when projectors fall short on contrast ratio or brightness. This work, on the […]

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8500 Years of Istanbul’s History, Played Out Against a Building, and Amping it Up

‘YEKPARE’ (monolithic) from nerdworking on Vimeo. From over the summer, here’s a dazzling visual narrative set out against a train station in the town. It also answers a point made recently in comments. The impact of projection mapping is indeed greatly dimmed when projectors fall short on contrast ratio or brightness. This work, on the […]

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Getting Started with Processing for Android

Photo (CC-BY) Kristian D.. Pick up a pen and draw a sketch. There, that was easy – however crude, you can get out an idea. Sketching with paper is still the fastest way for most of us to imagine something. But between that immediacy and the end result, you need prototypes. The Processing language has […]

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Behind the Scenes of Propellerheads’ Oversized Drum Machine

There’s obviously something about big. In the 1988 film Big, the iconic scene featured Tom Hanks and Robert Loggia tapping their way across FAO Schwartz’s oversized piano. Now, it’s the drum machine’s turn. David Crowder*Band drummer Bwack made the oversized stage version of an MPC-style set of drum pads, seen below and on CDM in […]

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