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Touchscreen Particle Drawing, Memo’s MSAFluid Particle Library, and Why Sharing is Good

Interface 27 from CyberPatrolUnit on Vimeo. There has been a long tradition in live visuals and motion graphics, inherited from many other media, of maintaining a “secret sauce,” or the guarded formula of eleven herbs and spices. Ironically, for all you hear today “DIY” and “open source” in the same sentence, a lot of the […]

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Touchscreen Particle Drawing, Memo’s MSAFluid Particle Library, and Why Sharing is Good

Interface 27 from CyberPatrolUnit on Vimeo. There has been a long tradition in live visuals and motion graphics, inherited from many other media, of maintaining a “secret sauce,” or the guarded formula of eleven herbs and spices. Ironically, for all you hear today “DIY” and “open source” in the same sentence, a lot of the […]

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Augmented Reality DJ: Scratch it with a Camera, Plus AR Resources

AR scratching from vanderlin on Vimeo. “Augmented Reality” is a fancy term for describing ways of using computer vision to overlay digital intelligence on images. In other words, you can, for instance, scratch a vinyl record using a camera – plus a tag for identifying the object’s position in 3D space. Cambridge-based designer Todd Vanderlin […]

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Immersive 3D from Eon Reality: Glasses + Projectors = Virtual Reality

Amazing 3D immersion technology from IDEO Labs on Vimeo. IDEO Labs share this immersive projection rig. As described: A simple, featherweight headset, a 10′ x 10′ x 10′ white room, and $600,000 worth of projector and computer equipment, combined with the smarts of the folks at Eon Reality, results in one insanely real experience. Of […]

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Gorgeous Timeline-Less Audiovisual Multi-Touch Sequencer, Built in Flash

CASTALIAN / New concept Audio Visual Touch Sequencer from nucode on Vimeo. We’ve talked in the past about the idea of user interfaces and visual output merging. Instead of a UI on one screen and visuals on another, the idea is that the interface itself melds into the output. I can think of few better […]

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Handmade Music: Creative Hardware + Software, Plus Make Your Own Noise Toy

Wall•E Loves Noise Toys (part 1) from Gian Pablo Villamil on Vimeo. This Thursday night, if you’re in NYC, you’ll want to be in Brooklyn – and around the world, stay tuned as always to CDM. Handmade Music projects will again explode into the nerdster party in Brooklyn, with more ways to get involved worldwide. […]

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My Secret Heart: Mira Calix's Music, Wrapped in a Tank of Digital Tendrils by Flat-e, Memo Akten

Perhaps it’s the church setting for the installation, or the strains of 17th-Century choral composition by Allegri. But Streetwise Opera’s My Secret Heart, binding together reactive visuals and post-Minimalist musical strains, has the feeling of a 21st Century passion play, a digital devotional piece. My Secret Heart is a commission by Streetwise Opera, which develops […]

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My Secret Heart: Mira Calix’s Music, Wrapped in a Tank of Digital Tendrils by Flat-e, Memo Akten

Perhaps it’s the church setting for the installation, or the strains of 17th-Century choral composition by Allegri. But Streetwise Opera’s My Secret Heart, binding together reactive visuals and post-Minimalist musical strains, has the feeling of a 21st Century passion play, a digital devotional piece. My Secret Heart is a commission by Streetwise Opera, which develops […]

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Music for Squares: Visualism and Architecture and Mapping Showreel

Architectural Visual Design aka Apparati Effimeri apparently have liked our ongoing projection mapping stories, so they send along their showreel. The music, appropriately enough, is Apparat. Visual performers: Federico Bigi Roberto Fazio Marco Grassivaro The documentation is a bit rough (boy, do I know that challenge), but I absolutely love their visual style. Even […]

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The $7 Motion Graphics Conference Heads to Boston

MGFest, the Motion Graphics Festival, continues its multi-city tour March 5-8 (next weekend), on its way to Boston / Cambridge, Massachusetts. The whole conference is just US$7 for all the events. Here’s a quick look at the schedule and highlights: Screenings: if you’re ready to see motion reels on a big screen instead of YouTube, […]

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