Sequential this week ran a video this week showing us how the makers of the Pro 3, Prophets, and more are keeping productive during the pandemic. We wished Dave Smith a happy birthday recently; here’s what everyone else is up to.

The San Francisco, USA-headquartered company is at home as part of California’s shelter-in-place program. But this is a chance to see how an independent synth maker is working – and to see some of the faces of the team.

Tony, Sequential’s engineering, has the best backdrop – with a Minimoog and a Prophet-5 there. Sorry, second best – Jerry is apparently in outer space.

The good news for synth fans is, they’re all running from home from support to design to repairs. And, oh yeah, they do confirm they’re actively continuing progress on something new.

I’d heard that something like that might be in the works, so it’s great to hear it isn’t slowing down.

Meanwhile, if you need to ogle something from the house that Dave built, there’s this:

Hi to everybody in California (and East Coast USA, for Jerry, and everyone else around the world) from Berlin.

Oh and by the way, of course, we saw some faces with the stay-at-home Superbooth videos, but if anybody wants to record some video message or… send us a recipe… feel free to say hi!

One bonus, from 2018 – thanks, YouTube algorithm – Domi Degalle can play a lot better than I can.