Sydney to Mexico City, Tokyo to Detroit, livecoders are deep into a beautiful multiday solstice stream right now with 160 performance slots. You can tune in live on

After kicking this off early hours yesterday from TOPLAP London, the livecode musicians have been passing the baton around the globe, with plenty of cross-genre music and audiovisual sets. You get a full set of tools – like Estuary with MiniTidal and Punctualand custom machine learning RAVE models in India, Pure Data and Python and command lines in Castlemaine, Sonic Pi breakbeats in New York, Foxdot + AI and generative cumbia in Bogota, and TouchDesigner in Tokyo.

All the music is gorgeous as always, and even just browsing through the array of tools people are using is fascinating and likely to point you to one or two you’ve never heard of. See details:

Plus the info page

Tune into the livestream and chat; this will go through the day today: